Clear Path Therapy Blog2022-08-18T17:41:40+00:00

Lindsay’s Blog

Lindsay’s Blog

Dwelling on the Negative?

Dwelling on the Negative?   Ever find yourself focused so much on your partner’s one annoying habit and you end up ignoring so many of their good habits? Ever negatively ruminate after getting some constructive feedback from your boss even though your past performance reviews have been glowing? Seems skewed, doesn’t it?   Why do we use so much of [read more]

Guilt Versus Shame

What is Shame? We’ve all felt it. That deep, stomach-turning type of discomfort that can feel intolerable. Shame. ugh. It has a power not only to cause acute discomfort shortly after a negative event but even for long after. It can leave us with lingering discomfort. We most often experience this discomfort after we had a partial or even complete [read more]

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